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Agile Transformation And Its Challenges

There are many mistakes that an organization may notice in its agile transformation, but these can be fixed by incorporating agile training or hiring agile consulting service experts.

Success is driven by change and transformation. The only thing constant in life is change and just as people change, so must organizations and cultures. The COVID-19 pandemic made this very evident, as the entire paradigm of work underwent a dramatic change.  U.S. traditional organizations are increasingly adopting agile services due to the trend toward digital transformation. It is estimated that the U.S. enterprise agile transformation services market size will reach $18,189.32 million by 2026.

But why do enterprise-wide agile transformations fail? When something works well at the team level, why does it seem so difficult to replicate it at the enterprise level?

Organizations need to deliver more under these chaotic circumstances to stay relevant. Studies show that more than 40% of Agile transformations fail and nearly 67% of these Agile disasters are terminal. You might feel overwhelmed by the numbers. They are huge numbers because most organizations rely on Agile these days for their transformations. When something works well at a team level, it is natural to ask why it is difficult to replicate it.

Agile transformations can bring in all the benefits when done correctly. Agile business practices weave responsiveness and adaptability into the very heart of an organization and have a trickle-down effect throughout. But the agile journey comes with quite a few challenges. Here we have mentioned key challenges that organizations should consider before opting for agile transformation. 

Key Challenges During Agile Transformation

Communication Failures In Agile Transformation

Agile transformations change an organization’s fundamental DNA. Agile transformations impact every element of a company’s working model, as well as its culture. It is therefore crucial that organizations ensure they have a clear understanding of not only the values of agile transformation but also the goals they want to achieve before embarking on this journey. But sometimes leaders select different approaches to implement agile or resist the change entirely.

Transformational success is a result of strong teams committed to entire change and promoting innovation through collaboration. As a leader, you should be ready to address any issues or backlash that may arise during periods of change by providing constant support to ensure the organization maintains its focus on an agile mindset.

3rd Party Interference Influences Ways Of Working

Most companies in USA are locked into fixed-price or fixed-outcome contracts, or work with partners who cannot or won’t adapt to an Agile delivery model. The success of your agile transformation will be jeopardized if you work with suppliers who can’t or won’t participate.

This can only be resolved by renegotiating contracts or seeking out alternative suppliers and contracts. In software development, most suppliers are aware of Agile’s benefits and will be very willing to cooperate or even drive its adoption. Suppliers who are a good fit for your business will be glad to work collaboratively before tidying up contracts.

Huge Culture Shift

Agile transformation faces the challenge of a culture shift. Agile is often referred to as a shared culture or mindset, rather than a set of practices. When it comes to scaling or agile transformation, this mindset turns out to be both a curse and a blessing. You feel that the framework used in Agile transformation is more important than the mindset. In spite of this, it is difficult to establish shared mindsets.

A culture’s elements reinforce one another as a system. This prevents any attempts to modify it from succeeding. At the team level, single-fix changes might show progress for a while. However, the interconnected components of the organizational culture can eventually take over.

Not Getting Buy-In

To become agile, many organizations in USA will begin by implementing agile practices in only one department or across one vertical within their organization. They prefer the vertical where there are fewer leaders and smaller teams. This pilot project can only test the methodology. It is often successful, but its impact is greatly limited. The restrictive nature and limited methodology prevent executives from understanding the broader aspect of agile transformation.  This way the organization fails to have far-reaching impacts and strategic value.

A perfect agile transformation requires an approach that is holistically devoted. Even though it’s okay to begin the agile transformation process within a vertical of an organization, it’s important to consider it as only one stage in your overall agile strategy and not to stop there. By restricting the scope of agile to only certain parts of an organization, you will be unable to show executives the true value of the method. Agile teams are more likely to lose funding when other organizational opportunities arise and can face difficulties scaling when they lack executive buy-in.

Trying To Rush The Transformation Process

How organizations in USA can scale agile practices properly is a real challenge when implementing agile practices. The process of transformation is often rushed by organizations without the proper planning, knowledge, or support systems to scale. If there are resource constraints or a lack of leadership, organizations must consider whether they are ready to undergo this change. Ideally, an organization’s transformation should be a five to ten-year process that is meant to change the mindset of the organization, invoke cultural change, and involve the implementation of dedicated resources across the board.


There are many mistakes and loopholes an organization in USA can notice throughout its agile transformation, but these can be fixed by incorporating perfect agile training or hiring agile consulting service experts. These challenges address specific components that organizations might find difficult to incorporate during the agile journey. It is common for organizations to abandon agile transformation altogether after falling into one of these preventable errors. However, educating the organization on how to drive an agile transformation, learning from the mistakes of organizations that have previously attempted this transformation, and appreciating the complexity of this transformation are the steps towards success.

4 Apr, 2022

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